  • Name Seve
  • Ort Shingal, Til Ezer

My name is Seve, I am eleven years old and I come from Shingal. Until the genocide in 2014, I had a very nice life. But from one day to the next, we had to flee from the Islamists who attacked us. My father did not survive the attack, he was executed by 'IS'. We managed to escape in time. Together with my mother and 10 siblings, we fled to the mountains of Sinjar and stayed there for 12 days. We found refuge in the UN camp. I enjoyed going to school in Shingal, but unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to continue my education in the camp. Through my sister, who registered at Harman, I heard how nice it is here and went to the registration. Here I can attend classes again. In my free time I like to ride my bike. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to do that at the camp because we can't afford one. All the more I am happy when I can ride my bike at Our Bridge. My favorite thing is the bike rides in the spring with my friends that I met at the Harman Education Center.

When Islamic State fighters attacked our villages in August 2014, we first fled to the nearby mountains. From there, we continued via Syria to Kurdistan. The others sometimes tell me about that time. I was there, but fortunately I don't remember much.
My name is Avin. I am eight years old and live with my grandma and grandpa in Shohati Camp.
We hardly have running water and rarely electricity. In the winter it is cold, in the summer the tent heats up extremely and when it rains everything is wet and mud is formed subsequently.
My name is Rayan and I am 13 years old. I come from Shingal and had to flee from the IS attacks together with my mother and my three siblings.
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